8 thoughts on “PRESS RELEASE:  Protest Against Councilman Dai Thao to be Held on 4/12/2022

  1. Victor xeem Xyooj, moob leeg.

    Kuv yog ib tug moob leeg, kuv yuav txhawb kuv tsev moob leeg, vim kuv ntseeg tas chivkeeb lug yeej tsi muaj moob dlawb le. Moob dlawb txas thaum peb tsiv peb suavteb lug xwb. Ib txha moob dlawb nwg nuav puab yeej qha tas puab yog moob xwb. Ua tsaug rua mej kev tawmtsaam tug Councilman, Dai Thao, losis Dlai Thoj.

  2. Nuv Leejtw

    Kuv yog hmoob DEES = hmoob DAWB +hmoob LEES. Kuv tsis txhawb hmoob dawb los hmoob lees. Kuv txhawb tus ua/coj ncaj nruab nrab tug. Leej twg coj tsis ncaj, muab tshem tawm mus. Cov neeg no, pab neeg no coj tsis haum. Name one hmong LEEG that leaded the hmong people in the past uas coj zoo, haum teb, haum chaw. Niaj hnub no peb tos seb puas muaj ib tug los coj peb mus lawm yav tom ntej, tsis hais hmoob dawb los hmoob lees. Nco ntsoov! Nej, peb yuav provides siav kom ploj tuag tag mas mam tshwm sim ib tug rov los coj. Now is the time and the time is BEGIN.

    1. Chai Yang

      You saying ‘Kuv yog hmoob DEES’ has no meaning.
      Seb> saib instead

  3. Tooj Ntxawg Thoj

    What I learned in Laos as a young boy and went to schools in the United States, the native thai and Esan still can share the common grounds by speaking mixture languages. No problem!!. But hmoob always fight like dogs fight for a bone. Hmoob people always struggle for leadership, not based on their skills to lead but when they don’t get the leadership position. Our fights always based on jealousy, envy, and not wanting to look in others’ eyes. We cannot deny these truth. It’s not just now. I learned something since the Crazy War until now,—same behaviors, same attitudes. Lastly, it’s good that we are in the democracy country.

  4. Jouvang Yang

    Hmoob, Moob, Meob, Miaob yog tuab tug tuab neeg xwb. Cov nyob Tuam Tshoj mas tej paab has lug peb kuj tsi paub. Tab sis cov nyob Nplog teb, Thaib teb, Nyaablaaj teb, hab cov kws tawg rog tuaj nyob USA ces koj has los kuv paub, kuv has los koj paub. Tug tsi paub ces yog ua txuj tsi paub xwb. Yog le ntawd, thov suav dlawg sis hlub nawb.

  5. The Three Blackbears

    Tsaab ntawv nuav yog sau tuaj qha mej paub tas mej teg dlejnum tshawv kev ncaaj nceeg, nthuav kev dlaav kuam Moob nyob tau ib teb, koom tau ib chaw, yuav tau txais kev muaj yeej. Mej tsis yog tshwm swm lug qw txug mej tej kev chim sab, npau tawg tsuas plaub lub pobzeb nyob st paul, taabsis mej tawm lug ntshav kev pheejxeeb tsuas Moob. Yuav uacaag txhaj cog tau kev phoojywg, nthuav tau kev dlaav tsua yug tsevneeg, zeejtsoom koomhaiv, phoojywg hab pejkum haiv, tsis has phoojywg los yeeb ncuab txug tug. Qhov ntawm yog mej lub homphaj.

    Mej muaj zeem muag tseeb, has qhov yog. Mej paub tas HaivMoob thoob ntuj yog koom ibtug puj ib tug yawm, pib thaum ntuj tsim tebtsaug lug.

    Puas yog swv ib lub suab has Mooblug xwb txhaj yog qhov tseeb?

    Has lug Moob tawm lub suab Moob dlaabtsis los yeej yog Mooblug taag ntsho, yuav sau ntawv tawm lub suab Moob dlaabtsis los yeej tau taag, puas yog? Mej cov txhawj ntawv Moob, mej muaj pigtsawg leej nyeem tau Hmoob, taabtsis nyeem tsis tau Moob? Mej cov txawj sau ntawv Moob, mej muaj pigtsawg leej sau tau Moob, taabsis sau tsis tau Hmoob? Mej cov luj hlub huv Moob lub zejzog, mej muaj pigtsawg leej kws tsuas paub tas Nplejteb nuav tsua muaj Moob Dlawb hab Moob Leeg xwb? Yog tas koj yog ib leej tuabneeg tsis tau nov dlua, pum dlua ntawv Moob, es nuav yog thawj thawj zag koj nov tas muaj ib haiv tuabneeg hu ua Moob, lu lug twg koj nyeem tawm tau “Moob” meej hab yooj yim dluas? Moob los Hmooob, Mong or Hmong? Yog koj lub hlwb tseem ua haujlwm, kuv ntseeg tas koj yuav xaiv Moob/Mong, tsis xaiv Hmoob/Hmong, puas yog los tsis yog?

    Mej coj kws yeej nyeem tau ntawv Moob lawm, mej yuav to taub meej meej tas “Moob hab Hmoob” yog ib tug, tsuas yog siv suab Moobleeg los Moobdlawb cov lug sau, puas yog? Yog tas koj tsua nyeem tau Moob taabsis nyeem tsis tau Hmoob, tes kuj yog koj tsis tau paub ntawv Moob txaus, koj yuav tau moog kawm ntxiv.

    Kuv tau taub suab Moobdlawb, Moobleeg 100%, hab kuv yuav has lub suab twg lub caij twg los yeej tau taag, tsis tau suav tas lub suab twg tseem ceeb dlua. Nwg tsua txawv zog mivntsiv thaum koj has tawm, xws le suab Moobdlawb has tawm ntawm qhov ntswg ntau zog, le ntawm xwb. Tabsis cov ntsab lug has le caag yug yeej paub taag. Tsis taag le ntawm puas yog tsuas muaj suab Moobdlawb hab Moobleeg xwb? Nwg tseem muaj ntau ntau luj suab has Mooblug nyob Suavteb, Nyaablaaj teb, had Phabmabteb hab nev? Koj yuav tsum tau moog kawm kuam koj paub txhua lub suab has lug Moob, es koj txhaj txawj qab qaws Moob, puas yog? Koj tub tsis paub suab Moob txhwj txhwv tas muaj pistsawg hom, txhob tsawm qhuas qaab qhuas tsau tas tsuas yog suab Moobdlawb/Moobleeg txhaj yog qhov tseem tseem. Qheb qhov muag kuam dlaav, rua qhov ntsej kuam luj zog puas tau naj lov?

    Mej MEC teg dlejnum nyaav, kuas mej yeej muaj kev txav txim sab tawv qhawv, tshuav tshem kev lim ham, rov taws tuam ntuj, mej yuav tau txais kev muaj yeej–vaam meej, vim mej ua qhov yog, hab coj qhov tseeb tsaws kaab kev ntuj tsim teb tsaug. Mej tsis yog ntxub ntxaug ib leej tuabneeg twg, los tsua has tsua Moobdlawb/Moobleeg nyob Ameslikas yuav xwb, taabsis txheem kev kub ntxhuv tsua Moob thoob ntuj. Leej twg ua tsis yog, txawm Moobdlawb, Moobleeg, los mej tsua tawm tsaam tug ntawm. Qhov nuav mej ua yog lawm. Yog thaum twg tseem muaj mej nyob ntawm kov, Moob kev ruaj ntseg, kev sib qob qaws yuav sawv ruaj khov. Yim meem moog kuam kawg nkau, tsis txhob tsaug muag, los ca leejtwg muag tau mej lubsab.

    Nub nua mej nyuabsab, taabsis moog tom ntej lub qhovrooj yuav qheb tsuas mej. Muaj ib nub mej yuav muaj peevxwm coj tau Moob lug koom ib tsob, nyob ib chaw. Kuv ntseeg tas ib nub tom ntej, yuav muaj ib tug ntawv Moob kws sau tau txhua txhua lubsuab, tabsi muaj ib lub ntsablug tsua haivmoob thoob nplajteb. Thaum nub ntawm tseem tsis tau lug txug, kuv qha mej paub tas, kuv nrug mej koom ibsab, taug ib txuj kev. Ca peb txais paub tas Moob yeej muaj ntau lubsuab has Mooblug. Koj txawm yuav siv lub suab Moob twg has Mooblug los yeej tseem yog koj nam lubsuab; yog koj teejtug; koj lub suab has Mooblug tseem ceeb tsua koj ib yaam le kuv has kuv nam lubsuab. Koj txawm yuav nyob qhov twg los xwjpeem, koj tseem yog peb Moob ibtug zoo tuabneeg, koom lub npe hu ua “Moob,” thov fwm hab qhuas koj lub suab Moob.

    Ua tsaug tsua lub cibfeem tuaj tawm suab. Nyob zoo suavdlawg!

    Has tawm: Pebtug Dlaisdlub


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